Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bad Design: Vodafone Pre-pay Starter Pack

The pack has a fancy opening mechanism, in which when you pull on the indicated tab; the tab pulled is connected to another tab where when pulled comes out the other side of the pack. From first sight, it looks straight forward, simply pull the tab indicated on the pack and there you go. But naturally when one holds onto the product to open it, the hands are positioned in a way that obstructs the movement of the opening mechanism. So, it would appear that it wouldn't open because the other hand is blocking the way. In order to open the pack, the alternate hand must be positioned in a less comfortable alignment, but not awkward. However, once you know how the product works, this problem no longer arises, but the aim for my product is for it to be used properly during first-time use.

In order to ensure proper first-time use of the product I decided to include some sort of indication that a second tab does come out or an indication of how to hold the product when used. Thus i have devised 2 different ideas in which the product could be improved.

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